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#5. The Quantum IT Challenge
(use ID code 66ZBX0DML192)

The Quantum IT Challenge MarketingSherpa Summary:
Although this business-to-business lead generation campaign targeting IT professionals didn't go wildly viral (10% of game players referred a friend), marketer Kelsey Galarza who herself hails from a B-to-C analytics background, did something almost no other online game we've heard of does: tracked each respondent by their game play. Each respondent's success at a fairly tough game gave her the qualification data she needed to decide which leads should be followed up on by sales first, and which could wait a while or needed further qualification efforts. Bravo!

Agency: concept in-house; graphics by Rauxa Direct;
game built by Treehouse Interactive;
Client/company: Quantum Corporation
Brand campaign was conducted for: Echelon product line
Launch date of campaign: 1/30/06
Target audience/demographic: IT managers/Directors

Campaign Goal:
Our goal is qualified leads for sales and reseller partners. We generate responses in order to telemarket them and find the qualified leads. Our goal is hundreds of qualified leads per month, which usually means thousands of responses.

Creative was an eight panel duplex self-mailer. Outside featured images of a video game screen, showing the recipient's name as the "high score." The call to action was to go online and play an IT trivia game and receive an IT related book, and a chance to win a full size video game. After completing the game, the user could "challenge" a friend. A unique code was required to respond to the DM, which pre-filled the end user's contact information. The code also measured each list's response. The viral component was measured by creating a different code to indicate "this person was referred by xx."

The game was deliberately difficult. The CRM system tracked each player's answers and assigned that player a qualification score for the sales team to refer to when deciding which prospects were qualified enough to possibly follow-up with.

Seed Strategy:
Direct mail was used as the primary response mechanism with the viral component a secondary goal.

Buzz Generated:
Not that I'm aware of.

Specific (Goal-Related) Campaign Results:
2.45% of direct mail recipients played the game (the house list had a response rate of 4.17%, other third party lists had lower responses.)

Over 10% of all mail respondents forwarded to a friend; however, sometimes that "friend" was themselves at a home email address, in order to play the game again.

Some gamers obviously looked up the trivia answers and played again to 'win' although bragging rights was the only prize. The viral responders tended to be within the same company. The response rate of the viral component was very directly correlated to mail responders during the life of the mail campaign.

Biggest Learning:
I was surprised by the high level of contacts who played the game. There were also LESS "bogus" entries than I expected. I would and *will* definitely be implementing an email version of this campaign.

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