September 05, 2001
Blog Entry

Does your own Web site reflect your marketing expertise?

SUMMARY: No summary available.
Does your own Web site reflect your marketing expertise? This is a particular problem for agencies, consultants and folks like me who write about Web marketing. I get so busy that my own site is sadly abandoned.

Today I was working on the second draft of a new Sherpa report to come out shortly entitled, "Top 10 Online Marketing Mistakes: Every Company Makes at Least One of Them." The going was slow because I kept on breaking off to contact Sherpa's Web developer who's working on our site redesign right now. "Hey!" I'd email, "Here's another thing you have to change in our specs." Turns out while I'm "smart" enough to write a report on the topic, I wasn't smart enough to avoid making some of the mistakes! (It's not good enough to know, you have to apply.)

At the same time I kept getting peppered with emails from readers of our SherpaWeekly which came out today. Turns out there was a typo in a key link. Dumb, dumb, dumb. It's those little, eminently-avoidable mistakes that trip me up every time when I'm in a rush to keep everybody happy. (Sound of my head thunking on my desk.) Rushing = bad. Thinking first = good. So how do you apply that to, um, "Internet time"?

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