Online shoppers have increased their use of mobile devices. But how, specifically, are they spending their times on these devices? |
by Daniel Burstein, Director of Editorial Content, MarketingSherpa
As part of its 2016 “Pulse of the Online Shopper” study, UPS asked 4,432 online shoppers who use mobile devices the following question: “Thinking about the last three months, how often did you do each of the following via a mobile device (e.g., smartphone or tablet)?”
We interviewed Louis DeJianne, Director of Retail and Consumer Products, UPS, about the data on the day it was released.
As you can see, the most popular mobile activity for shoppers was locating stores or store-related information:
Many brick-and-mortar stores are making it easier for customers to purchase on mobile devices. In this zeal for ecommerce sales, don’t overlook a basic necessity for many mobile users — the desire to simply find your store (and basic information like hours, etc.) so they can shop for the products they want in person.
Email Marketing Chart: Mobile versus desktop conversions
Email Research Chart: Email opens trends on mobile devices in 2015
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