June 02, 2005

Five New Cartoons for Email Marketers -- Enjoy!

SUMMARY: Are you stuck at work when everyone else is on vacation? Here are five new email marketing cartoons to add a smile to your suntanless face. Enjoy. (Yes, it's ok to share this free hotlink with your colleagues when they get back ... if you're feeling generous.)
Thanks for the deluge of fan mail for our first set of Cartoons for Email Marketers. (Link below if you missed them.) Your feedback convinced us to give Contributing Editor Mark Brownlow the go-ahead to whip up another batch.

Here you have our all-new favorites.

(Note: You may freely distribute the link to this page, however please do *not* break copyright law by copying or reproducing the cartoon art itself. Thanks.)

#1. Senior management and email marketing

#2. The HTML versus Text debate

#3. Lost in translation

#4. When marketing emails have nightmares

#5. Another email casualty

Also, here's a link to MarketingSherpa's past cartoons for Email Marketers from April 2005 in case you missed them: http://www.marketingsherpa.com/sample.cfm?contentID=2953

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