While customer-first marketers invest their time and energy focused on crafting and communicating a value proposition to customers, it’s all too easy to overlook the necessity of internal marketing.
But to get approval for — and ensure successful completion of — the projects, campaigns and other ideas you need your company and clients to execute, it takes some internal marketing. Your well-crafted plans in Word documents, budgets in Excel, idea-filled PowerPoint slides, and meticulous project plans won’t win over decision-makers and colleagues if they can’t quickly grasp the benefit — the project’s value proposition to the company as well as each person involved.
To help you condense those plans and proposals into an easy-to-digest visual that clearly communicates your project’s value proposition, we've created this free template:
To get your free template right now, simply fill out the form below, and you will get an instant download link as well as an email with a link to download your PowerPoint file.
And if you'd like more detailed instructions on how to use this template to get buy-in for your projects, you can read this article from our sister website, MarketingExperiments: How to get buy-in for your projects, plans and proposals from the first pitch to successful completion
The template includes detailed instructions to help your ideas shine even if you don't have a design background.
Click to Zoom
About MECLABS Institute
The journalism produced by the MarketingSherpa editorial team is powered by the research developed by its parent organization, MECLABS Institute.
For over 20 years, MECLABS has been the world’s largest independent research program focused on understanding why customers say “yes.” The Institute’s scientific approach, discoveries and patented heuristics have enabled marketers to achieve their goals.
There are three ways you can leverage MECLABS research: