December 03, 2001
Blog Entry

Consumers Pay $10 Billion Year for Magazines

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Looks like we can definitely expect to see a lot more online and email marketing by magazines in the coming year. Nearly every single one of the more than two dozen circulation marketing experts interviewed in Nov 2001's Circulation Management Magazine, said their big challenge was replacing costly (and increasingly less responsive) direct postal mail campaigns with something else such as email/Internet marketing.

Chip Block, currently publishing strategist for Ziff Davis and Vice Chair USAPubs (a subscription agency), who is one of the deans of circulation marketing, said in the issue that he wonders if paid circulation is dead. He noted, "If annual consumer magazine circulation revenue is now about $10 billion as the MPA's data indicate, is it possible that we're spending $9.5 billion or somewhere in that ballpark to produce that revenue?"

My take is -- hey consumers are paying $10 billion per year for magazine subscriptions. Whoopee! Let's not abandon those $10 billion just because they cost a lot to make via traditional marketing campaigns. Let's explore every way possible to get a lower cost per acquisition. Got some feedback? Email me at

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