April 29, 2002
Blog Entry

How Online/Mag/TV Audience Involvement Differs

SUMMARY: No summary available.
Going through my to-read pile this morning, I came across a brief article in MIN (Media Industry Newsletter) from 4/15, where This
Old House Venture President Eric Thokilsen explains the difference in their audience and purposes in the various media they publish in:

TV audience - "comes for entertainment value"
Magazine readers - "are really into renovation"
Web visitors - "for the detailed how-to information seekers once they are into renovation."

It's a drill-down into greater levels of passion. Passive entertainment -> genuine interest -> active involvement. Which
frankly to me says that while yeah it's great for advertisers to be on all three media with a brand like This Old House, the fact
is that perhaps ads messaging should be different for each. Plus, maybe the ads on the Web are the most valuable for advertisers of
all, because visitors are more ready to act! (Does this mean Web CPM should be higher than TV?)

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