June 17, 2005
How To

PR Opportunity: How to Submit an Article to Benefits Marketing Magazine

SUMMARY: Although you may have never heard of Benefits Marketing Magazine, it's got massive circulation, reaching almost a quarter of a million insurance agents, financial planners, and SOHOs. This monthly email newsletter from the Benefits Marketing Association is actively seeking article submissions. Here are some guidelines for you.
Walt Podgurski Editor & Board Member Benefits Marketing Magazine Benefits Marketing Association wpodgurski@aol.com (888) 282-1765 http://www.benefitsmarketing.org

-> Circulation

225,000 - Note these are opt-in email recipients, as the magazine is produced in email only.

-> Demographics

50% of recipients represent Life&Health, P&C agents and fee-based financial planners

25% of recipients are home office employees (executives, management, and other)

17% or recipients are vendors and consultants to the insurance industry (accountants, attorneys, bank insurance marketers, technology companies, Trust Officers, Industry consultants, etc.)

5% of recipients are from outside of the US

3% of recipients are in-house risk specialists or human resource managers

-> Article Submission Guidelines

Engaging, interactive, and indispensable reading for somebody involved in the marketing of benefit plans. With that perspective, the publication is looking for articles of all lengths, plus a short biography with contact information and a photo if one is available.

Podgurski notes, "We are particularly fond of checklists, sales scripts, graphs, etc., that may be considered interactive or training-oriented."

Submit to Podgurski via email at the address above.

-> Submission Deadline

Typically you need to submit articles one to two weeks prior to the month they'll be published.

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