Find the Best Email Service Provider (ESP) For Your Specific Needs

Is your current ESP allowing you to realize the full potential of your email program?

If you can't confidently answer "yes," you need to dig deeper. The best email service should be able to easily support new strategies in social integration, mobile, data hygiene, deliverability, segmentation, testing and optimization. Your ESP should support the size and scope of your current program. Your ESP should enable the changes to your email program, not hold you back.

A new tool to match you with the right email marketing solutions available

Look no further than the ESPinator. Completely free, the ESPinator is an email selection tool that will match you with the top three email marketing vendors that fit your email marketing goals and objectives. Provided to you by MarketingSherpa, and powered by ClickMail Marketing, the ESPinator was built to provide an email service provider comparison of various ESPs that meets the needs of a particular company. Our only goal in offering you this free tool is to help you find the best email provider to match your email needs.

Unlock the door to the best ESP for you: 1 questionnaire. 32 ESPs. 3 matches.

What is the best email service? Try the Espinator.

The ESPinator asks you to rate a series of questions based on the critical needs of your email marketing program. Answer as few as 15 questions for a high-level overview of your matches, or as many as 175 for a more in-depth assessment. The process takes anywhere from five minutes to a half hour.

Your results are then packaged in a detailed report that outlines your top matches, and how they rank alongside each other, based on each criterion.

There are more than 32 ESPs in the ESPinator, with more being added regularly. Here is a small sampling of the ESPs found in the ESPinator: ExtactTarget, edialog, Responsys, iContact.

Try the ESPinator today, and gain a distinct advantage in finding your ideal ESP!